The Demise of Dr. Frankenstein

60 min
Min Age
12+ years
2 - 4
Suggested Players

Eastern Europe - A Hotbed of Mad Science!

Scientific advances have given men knowledge they do not yet fully understand and arrogance to attempt to defy the laws of nature. A group of imbalanced, but brilliant individuals race to create life and reject death! This is a grisly and often criminal undertaking.  In the end, when the townsfolk come bearing torches and pitchforks, will you meet your demise in a blaze of glory, having conquered life and death?  Will you be the legendary Dr. Frankenstein--or will you be just another nut-job with a lab full of spare limbs and torsos?

— from the publisher

In the Demise of Dr. Frankenstein you roll a number of dice, 6 for 2 players, 8 for 3 or 4 players, then those dice are placed on different action options based on the numbers rolled. The number one lets a player influence Igor, number two lets a player take body parts from the graveyard and so on. That allows players to influence different village members and accomplish different tasks on their way to building a Frankenstein Monster. After players use the clinician to study, the trader to get goods, bribe officers to look the other way as they construct different contraptions, and visit the curator, the villagers reach their anger boiling point and put an end to it all by buring down the doctors' efforts. Victory points are scored and then it's on to the next round until all players have had a chance to go first one time.

Details provided by BoardGameGeek, visit them for more information.